About the project
The main objective of our project entitled “Maths Around Us” is to improve through Maths the students key competences according to the strategic framework ET 2020 to rise PISA results in all the countries and building their European identity through cultural heritage. This project is for students between 12-16 years old who are eager to take part in a science adventure in international company.
The main objective is to improve the students' math competence by solving tasks in a Project Based learning approach, a less academic environment developing critical thinking, creativity and innovation and by perceiving Math issues in our students’ surrounding world, by encouraging them to try their best to participate actively, by finding similarities and differences between different environments of the six participating schools. Maths results and internationalization of all the involved schools are expected to improve as a result of the project. English, the language of the project, makes students more aware of the importance of learning foreign languages and develops their language competence. Students are going to find out and learn about history, monuments, unique nature or games which are associated with the project countries because maths is around us in every aspect of our life.
Project structure
The project is structured in six stages and for each stage one school will be responsible but all will be involved in similar activities at their own schools and the same activities during the mutual school visits to respond to the 3 priorities mentioned in the project: high quality skills and competences, building a sense of European citizenship and social inclusion. The key theme linking all six partners is Mathematics regarded as the Queen of science. The project is going to match Maths, using English language and ICT.
So students will work on the project for two years working on the project step by step. Some of them will be guests and will take part in activities prepared by the host schools and then after coming back home will share their experiences with their peers and some of the students will work on activities at their own school. Teachers from six different countries in Europe will have the opportunity to exchange opinions and experiences, to observe different methods of teaching.